Moody’s Scented Clay Trick for Emotion Regulation

This scented model clay trick is SOOOOOOOOO satisfying and gives your brain an escape from any difficult emotions or situations you are having. It’s really great for kids, too! They get to choose the color of the clay, they can RIP the package open and choose an essential oil to scent the clay. When they feel in control, they can regulate easier.

I learned this trick during an inpatient stay - the staff had many tricks readily available. The clay is Crayola Model Magic - and you can get this on Amazon here - and there are so many colors available. The price pretty much equals a dollar per pack. And if you don’t have any essential oils around, grab a few scents that can help change moods - like orange 🧡for energizing and lavender 💜 relaxing.

When done with the clay, place it in a bag (try to get as much air out as possible) and label it with the essential oil. These fit so easily in a bag without having to carry the oil with you so you or your child can use them when your out in public too 🎒

Need some Model Magic? Order on Amazon!
Crayola Model Magic 6 Pack Neon
Need Essential Oils? Order on Amazon!
6 Pack of Essential Oils