Today's Moody Story Time is another book from the Ninja Life Hacks Series by Mary Nhin.
Today we'll meet Grumpy Ninja who is having a super duper grumpy day 😠 Positive and Earth Ninjas are great friends who love to help others to see the good things around them that can help them out of a bad mood 🌈
A day at the beach helps Grumpy Ninja to see that he can have fun and get rid of those bad feelings. By seeing the small things around us that give joy, you can lessen those nasty feelings by having gratitude for the good things 🏖
Sometimes it's really hard to see past a bad mood - I know it's hard for me! But taking a few minutes to breathe and remember what I have that brings me joy or what I have to look forward to, helps me to see that bad moods aren't forever 💓
📖 by Mary Nhin
🖍️ by Jelena Stupar
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